New Writing

Hello and it’s been a while! I sort of can’t process the rest of life right now, so I’m just here with some good writing news and links:

I just had four poems published in The Rumpus. These are raw, vulnerable poems that don’t shy away from…anything, really. Several content warnings apply. I hope you read and they resonate: here.

Another long science poem/elegy that's very close to my heart will come out soon in Puerto del Sol. And I've got poems forthcoming online at Boston Review, Florida Review, & Rust+Moth. Can’t wait to share the links to those!

One poetry chapbook is releasing this summer with Milk and Cake Press, and I'll work on another for release with Harbor Editions in early 2023.

And there's prose news too!

My second fiction publication comes out this month in an anthology of speculative parenting stories from Alternating Currents Press. Pre-order here.

A personal essay about the environmental crisis in the Everglades comes out later this year in a mass-market national parks-centered anthology. I'll post the preorder link when I have it.

I can’t wait to share more writing with you this year!